Thames Materials

Taking our contribution to fight the climate crisis seriously, Thames Materials commissioned Time for Trees to plant enough trees to offset 100 Tonnes of CO2. The trees are planted in a UK high carbon emission zone, and each tree is verified by the Woodland Carbon Code.

Central Park, Dagenham Improvements

Thames Materials have begun the soil importation work on a project to deliver £1 million worth of improvements to Central Park in Dagenham. The works include the creation of a new ‘story telling area, amphitheatre, capable of hosting an array of events and performances. There will also be a play park for toddlers and young children and an adventure playground for older children while the park’s community use tennis courts will be refurbished. A mile of new pathways will be also incorporated into the park. Work is expected to be completed by end of 2023.

Improving conditions at Bannister Park

Thames Materials are working alongside their client and Harrow Council. The topsoil has been stripped to make way for imported soil and stone which will improve the sub layer of the site along with improving the drainage. The soil has been reinstated to spec within agreed timescales. Thames materials have been awarded the project to work on by importing suitable materials from building sites. Work is expected to take up to 24 months.