Thames Materials

Taking our contribution to fight the climate crisis seriously, Thames Materials commissioned Time for Trees to plant enough trees to offset 100 Tonnes of CO2. The trees are planted in a UK high carbon emission zone, and each tree is verified by the Woodland Carbon Code.

Thames Materials raises £160k for Neuro Harmony

Thames materials raised £160k for Neuro Harmony charity at their golf day in July 2023. A great day was followed by a big auction night that was supported by celebrity guest Harry Rednapp and interviewer Mick Fitzgerald.

Grasshoppers Senior Rugby Team

We are continuing our support of local clubs, and have sponsored Grasshoppers Senior Rugby Team for years 2023 and 2024.

Supporting the Old Actonians Vets football team

We continue to support the local sports team, and have agreed a two year sponsorship deal with the Old Actonians Vets football team.